What is a community referral?

A community referral for restorative justice is a process through which community members refer a case or situation to a restorative justice program or process.

How do community referrals work?

Community referrals for restorative justice can occur in several ways. They may come from law enforcement officers, courts, or other community members. When a community referral is made, the case is reviewed by a team or board member, who determines if the case is suitable for a restorative justice process. If the case is accepted, the program works with all involved parties to facilitate a dialogue or mediation process that allows those affected by the harm to communicate, understand the impact of their actions, and work towards a resolution.

Why are community referrals important?

Community referrals for restorative justice can effectively address a wide range of situations, including low-level offenses, conflicts between individuals or groups, and cases where there is a need for healing and reconciliation. By involving the community from the beginning, restorative justice programs can help create a sense of accountability, promote healing and reconciliation, and reduce recidivism.

How do I get started today?

If you are interested in bringing Restorative Justice to your community, please complete our intake form by clicking the button below, then email your completed form to info@richmond-rj.org. Someone will contact you within 48 hours.


“Mojave shows how local changes make a global impact.”

NGO News Publication  |  April 2016


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